Make yourself cool, pleasant and devotional with this Shiva live wallpaper. It has beautiful 3D images of Lord Shiva and lovely nature backgrounds. You can Hear the Chanting sound of lord shiva.
This Free Wallpaper has many features, which you can customize by yourself:
* Choose the type of beautiful Lord Shiva images.
* Choose your favorite nature HD backgrounds.
* You can Enable/Disable the chanting sound of om namassivaya.
* Choose the type and falling speed of flowers.
* Choose the number of flowers falling on Lord shiva.
* Control the speed of wheel rotation.
* Choose the type of wheel rotating back of god Shiva.
How to Install:
Download this Wallpaper -> Long press on Home Screen -> Select Wallpaper -> Select Live Wallpaper -> Select "Lord Shiva Wallpaper" from the List -> Set as Wallpaper.
Shiva is one of the Supreme God in Hinduism. Lord Shiva is also know as Parameshwara Mahadeva Maheshwara nataraja shankara Omkara Veerabhadra Shambhu. you can do pooja and aarthi to hindu god lord shiva while moving.
This app has Shiva Mahamrityunjaya Mantra. All the features make this the Best Lord Shiva Live Wallpaper June 2014. This app is tested on latest mobiles
Don't forget to rate this 3D wallpaper, which encourages us to create more free wallpapers.
*您可以启用/禁用OM namassivaya的诵经声。
下载此壁纸 - >长按主屏幕 - >选择壁纸 - >选择动态壁纸 - >从列表中选择“湿婆神壁纸” - >设置为墙纸。
湿婆是至尊神在印度教之一。湿婆神也知道作为Parameshwara大天Maheshwara山卡拉塔罗闍Omkara Veerabhadra Shambhu。你可以做的pooja和aarthi印度教神湿婆神,而移动。